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N/search module receiving exchange rate settings with release Upgrade 2018.2

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

Another hidden (and to my knowledge unannounced) gem added to the N/search module, a beast amongst the SuiteScript 2.0 standard modules: With immediate effect, NetSuite developers can control the exchange rate settings for transaction results in searches.Another hidden (and to my knowledge unannounced) gem added to the N/search module, a beast amongst the SuiteScript 2.0 standard modules: With immediate effect, NetSuite developers can control the exchange rate settings for transaction results in searches.

While available in the UI for a very long time, searches created via SuiteScript previously had transaction results produced in the currency of the ultimate parent subsidiary, the “holding” company. Conversion was done by the default consolidate exchange rate method classified in the GL account settings.

For example, for income, cost of goods sold, and expense accounts, you would generally use an average consolidated exchange rate, meanwhile for current balance accounts a current consolidated exchange rate (as of the last date of the period), and for equity or investments a historical consolidated exchange rate (the date of transaction booking).

These settings remain in place as default, but with the new method search.createSetting(), you can enforce the consolidated exchange rate method, or leave it away entirely!

The implications are tremendous, especially for creating complex calculations such as our SuiteCubes leveraging on the Map/Reduce technology. Going forward, should we still store transaction data in the holding currency and convert amounts depending on the user at the point of reporting? Or instead, shall we store data directly in the subsidiary or even project currency?

We will keep you updated as we experiment with this new powerful feature!

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