EFT Bank Payment Module Supports Vendor Pre-payment
Updated: Jul 1, 2021
Electronic Bank Payment SuiteApp version 2021.1 is now enhancing supports in payment modules. The enhancements include these following features:
Support for Vendor Prepayments:
Vendor Prepayment Transactions from Instant Bank File (IBF) generation page of Electronic bank payments bundle.
You can also generate Positive pay file for Vendor prepayment checks.
Primary Bank for each Subsidiary:
As of 2021.1, for multi-subsidiary customer and vendor accounts, you will be able to assign a primary bank to each subsidiary.
The Entity Bank Details page will be renamed to Bank Details, and a new dropdown field, Subsidiary, will be added to this page.
This Prepayment feature also works independently and running differently from the centralized payment feature. Hence no dependency.
