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Connect Everywhere With SuiteAnalytics Connect Service

What is SuiteAnalytics Connect?

The SuiteAnalytics Connect is a module that enables users to access and query their NetSuite data using SQL through the following mainstream database standards (ODBC, JDBC and ADO.NET).

Enabling SuiteAnalytics Connect allows the business to archive, analyse and report the data using a third-party tool or any custom-built application, whilst connecting from any type of device wit Windows or Linux as its operating system. NetSuite also offers the ODB, JDBC, and ADO.NET drivers you can download to run Connect Service from your preferred device.

Deciding A Driver to Use

As NetSuite SuiteAnalytics Connect is able to utilise various devices, it is important to select the driver based on your operating system and the application you want to integrate with NetSuite.

The following table illustrates how the drivers work with the compatible platforms:

Starting Up with Connect Service

After setting up, users can use a variety of compatible applications, including Microsoft® Excel, BIRST, Adaptive, or any other compatible application, to work with the Connect Service. On the note that Connect Service provides a read-only method for obtaining NetSuite data. Users cannot use Connect to update the data outside NetSuite. The module is intended for a use with static data or data that does not change often. Using real-time data access applications to integrate with the Connect Service can slow the retrieval of results and cause connection interruptions.

To access the Connect Service, you must use a NetSuite account email address with a valid password. It is important to make sure the password is correct according to your NetSuite account, since The Connect Service follows the same password policy used in the NetSuite UI.

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