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3 Keys to Master NetSuite Administrator

The Administrator is the focal point that makes an organised NetSuite team. Their day-to-day work is to maintain the configuration within the software, making sure every employee earns the accesses they need to optimise workflow and achieve the business goals. Though it sounds like an easy-do, the role would likely require an excellent versatility, meticulousness and a great skill in analysing situation.

A business also needs a person who is familiar with using NetSuite native tools as well as a fast learner to operate customised bundles that might have been added in the system.

The life of a NetSuite Administrator is often hectic, fast-paced, and filled with high-pressure situations. which makes it vulnerable if not being accompanied with a calm mind and good team communication.

What Specifically Makes a Good NetSuite Administrator?

A NetSuite Administrator typically requires technical and soft skills altogether proven in resume that is brimming with a variety of qualifications and experiences. Therefore, it is essential to attach NetSuite Certification Report and/or slip in a brief paragraph about their experience in using NetSuite. All the more, having a quick test customised based on the case which most likely occur in the company could also help overseeing the ability of a NetSuite Administrator handling their tasks in the future. That being said, being a NetSuite Administrator is not an easy job without many propped experiences, however not impossible to be done without. In this article, we’d like to talk about the essential features every NetSuite Administrator needs to comprehend in order to be seen as a NetSuite Admin-prodigy.

1. Understanding Client and Server Triggers

Understanding how a trigger works for either clients or servers can help detect the causes when a field value is not set on the record. Choosing the correct type of trigger depending on the requirements will also optimize workflow execution. Efficiency is key when workflows execute on a client trigger, especially since it is happening when the user is interacting with the interface.

If there is any issue found in the record, start by looking at the record in question through your regular user role. If the workflow is not accessible by user, then it is likely the workflow action is configured on a client trigger and not accessible by your workflow. Instead, choose to have your workflow action execute by a server trigger since server triggers can make changes to the record that are not accessible by a user. Alternatively, you can change the record field visibility so that the client trigger in the workflow can make the change.

2. Determining Workflow Permissions

Make sure you have selected the right permissions on your workflow and Saved Searches. One day, NetSuite might give you a “Saved Search does not exist” message popping up, or a straight unexpected error on the workflow. By giving the right permission, users can minimise the chance of the issues to occur.

If your workflow has the “Execute as Admin” checkbox enabled, then your workflow is running with full admin privileges. If so, this might be a different issue. However, if “Execute as Admin” is not enabled, the workflow will follow the role permissions of the currently logged in user alongside its data history.

3. Matching Access to User Role

Challenge: Users come to you regularly requesting access to key records and pages they need for their daily or one- off activities. Yet planning out access to records, pages and tasks that match to a user’s role and responsibilities can be a daunting effort, especially in a large organization.

Tip: First, it is always best to start with a copy of the standard roles built into NetSuite with pre-defined permissions and then customize them. The standard roles are designed based on NetSuite’s experience with organizations and the roles in various industries. Starting with the standard set up ensures you are granting users with the permissions they need based on leading practices.

Granting users just the right amount of access can avoid returning restricted pages, records and data. This makes for an easier and smoother user experience and eliminates time spent troubleshooting user and role permission challenges.

As a NetSuite Administrator, your responsibilities span the entire organization. You may be your business’s one-stop- shop for questions surrounding your NetSuite solution and the go-to individual when even the simplest issue or training need arises.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and need hands-on assistance, contacting NetSuite Advanced Customer Support (ACS) will be of help. Keep in touch with your trusted NetSuite partner to help managing your unique NetSuite configuration with quick and thorough solutions and allows you to take advantage of removing the hassle by handing the issue to be solved by the right hand.

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